Court of Cassation rules husband not responsible for killing wife during schizophrenic episode


Published: 2021-08-22 13:51

Last Updated: 2024-06-16 01:25

Court of Cassation rules husband not responsible for killing wife during schizophrenic episode
Court of Cassation rules husband not responsible for killing wife during schizophrenic episode

On June 13, 2021, the Jordanian Court of Cassation issued its ruling in a case in support of the decision of the Grand Criminal Court and that a husband was not responsible for intentionally killing his wife as he was suffering from pseudo-schizophrenia and did not comprehend his actions on the day the killing took place. 

The cause of death was attributed to severe bleeding and pulmonary bloody inhalation resulting from a deep cut to the neck.

The court ordered that the killer be treated at a mental health institute until he is no longer deemed a threat to public safety.